tirsdag 31. mars 2009

One of those days...

I need a t-shirt like this...

You know the kind. (If not, I don’t think we can be friends.) You have a whole day to get some mildly boring task done and every intention to do it properly - but somehow, you still end up late at night, only just starting your task and having done everything else under the sun on the day you were going to use so productively.

Today I have:
- watched funny YouTube videos (communitychannel, mainly)
- read several blogs.
- read and speculated on the webcomic Gunnerkrigg Court. (which is excellent and which everyone should read)
- read about Anthropology and gotten really excited about Michael Wesch’s work in Digital Ethnography. (go check it out, it is awesome!)
- also discovered Savage Minds and Imponderabilia and gotten really excited about them as well. (Nerd? Me? ...yeah.)
- gone for two walks (one around the island where I live, then one down to the grocery store)
- participated in two forum discussions.
- created this blog.
- gotten about halfway through the work I was actually supposed to do today, and which I need to finish by tomorrow?

And it is now quite exactly midnight, give or take ten minutes. Why am I typing this instead of working? Because I’m a horrible, horrible procrastinator. Honestly. If I could procrastinate procrastination, I would. Actually, I’m fairly sure I actually do that, come to think of it.

And now you’re asking, what kind of first blog post is this? Where’s the introduction? The snappy opening? Where is the suspense, goddamnit!? (Or maybe you’ve just wandered off, already bored by my ramblings) Well - there may be one, at some point. Right now, though, I’m procrastinating.

With a reasonable amount of sincerity, Iris.